Pet Insurance provides coverage for medical expenses for your pets. You could purchase pet insurance from an insurance company or directly from a veterinarian. Since medical care can be very expensive in the event of an accident or illness, pet insurance can be a beneficial and necessary provision. Typically, pet insurance covers animals like dogs and cats. Some companies also offer coverage for other types of pets including some exotic species.
The risks covered by pet insurance include accident related injuries along with illness care. Pet insurance policies offer various levels of coverage depending on the cost. The deductible amounts of the bill to be paid by the pet insurance differ according to the coverage you choose. There are several affordable pet insurance plans available in the market today. While basic coverage starts at $10 to $15 a month, higher cost plans are also available for a wider coverage. The insurance policy typically covers pets of a young age; they may not cover pets of they are older than a specified age or if they do, the costs can be significantly higher.
The policy and plan description will tell you how and where to make the claim for your pet. Veterinarians provide identification and pet insurance companies maintain databases to help prevent false claims as well as to ensure that the pet insured under the policy is the same one being treated. Some insurance companies that provide pet insurance have discounts for insuring more than one pet and offer affordable pet insurance.